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Contact Information
Julia Barrett
(C) (979) 240-9061
Ward Real Estate, Inc.
Listing Tools
Listing Details
MLS Number: 777017
List Price: $199,000
Address #: 0000
Street Name: Nichols
Subdivision: AB 45
City: Bay City
State: TX
Zip Code: 77414
Area: Bay City
Size of Tract: 5-10 acres
Topography: Sloping
Easements: None Known
Exclusions: None
Type/Style: Raw Land
Minerals: Unknown
Utilities: None
Restrictns: None
Remarks: 7.82 ACRES of UNRESTRICTED property in Bay City. Situated in a high traffic area with easy access to HWY 35 and HWY 60. Several businesses are nearby and many residential areas too, so this tract could be used for either purpose. This is a popular route to get around the town and on the way to several plants including ROHM, OQ, Celanese, STP, & Lyondell. Cottonwood Creek runs along the backside and there's some partially cleared area. Recent survey on-file.